Peaceful Stream Farm

Organic & Free Range CSA Farm Shares



We bring newly weaned cattle to our farm and then raise them on hay, clover, natural salt and minerals. That's it. No hormones or other factory farm tricks to help them mature faster. They roam the pastures at will. Processed humanely and available year-round.

Packaged - $4.50 per lb

Quarters & Sides available


We purchase our weaned piglets locally and then raise them entirely on organic grains, fruits and vegetables. Like our beef, no factory farm methods to speed up weight gain are used. They root in their yard freely. Processed humanely and available year-round.

Packaged - $3.75 per lb

Quarters & Sides available


Enjoy 20 weeks of fresh, organic produce. Each share provides a portion of our crop as it comes into season. Cucumbers, corn, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, onions, garlic, eggplant, zucchini and more! No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used.

Small Veggie Share - $430.00

Large Veggie Share - $580.00


Our orchards and bushes provide sweet, succulent and healthy apples, strawberries raspberries, blackberries, peaches and cherries of numerous varieties throughout the season. Savor 20 weeks of pesticide and chemical free goodness.

Fruit Share - $305.00


My family loves visiting your farm! The meat and vegetables are terrific. We're going to increase our order next year. We feel like the whole family is benefitting and our boys are growing like weeds!

- Cohen Family, East Aurora

Having fresh and free-range food has really helped my health. Thank you for providing this service at prices that don't ruin my budget.

- Jane Doe, Orchard Park

Supporting local businesses and farmers is really important to us. In addition to getting produce and meat without pesticides or hormones, the reasonable prices are even better!

- Smith Family, Alden

Pickup Locations

East Aurora Farm Market

Aurora Village Shopping Center
123 Grey Street
East Aurora, NY
Saturdays 7am - 1pm

Peaceful Stream Farm

1258 Burrough Road
Bennington, NY
Wednesdays 7am - 6pm